In this new entry in our ‘Diamonds In The Rough’ category, we want to introduce you to upcoming artist Cedric St. Louis and Fat Westbrook and their brand new single titled “Mike Tyson”.
Hip-Hop actsFat Westbrook and Cedric St. Louis have joined forces to collaborate on an upcoming joint EP called Castor + Pollux, due out later this month. The duo’s latest single “Mike Tyson” (released January 20th) is a Hip-Hop/Rap song that’s been in the works since early 2020, and has been a fan favorite at the group’s live performances. Farrell (Fat Westbrook) and Cedric both are confident and cocky all while keeping it fun and lightweight. “Floating like a butterfly and stinging like a bee – once you’re done with the song you won’t know what hit you.” -Farrell and Cedric
Listen and watch below: